Accident Reconstruction Animations

Ground vehicle accident animation is where it all began for us. Much of Demonstratives' staff, then the litigation support group of Engineering Animation, Inc. (EAI), created 3D animations using sophisticated ground vehicle motion simulation data with tools EAI was developing in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. These data visualization and collection tools were applied to 3D animations depicting vehicle rollovers after tire failures, complex trucking accidents and most famously, the reconstruction of the accident that took Princess Diana’s life in a tunnel in Paris, France.  

Today, Demonstratives can create an accident reconstruction 3D animation for a wide range of accident scenarios.  The vehicle accident reconstruction animation works to support the ground vehicle accident construction reconstructionist. Demonstratives expertise contributes to ground vehicle accident cases in the areas of vehicle motion, occupant motion, limited visibility and injury depiction.

Image of Interstate Semi Collision Visualization
August 12, 2016
Eyewitness testimony is illustrated to show that a passenger car strikes a semi while trying to pass and that the truck driver did not cause the collision. Visual aids such as animations can be extremely useful in explaining the causes of an accident. The data visualization team at ESi can...
Image of Line of Sight Accident Recreation
August 12, 2016
Multiple camera views are used to show that a collision pinching a pedestrian between a truck and a wall could have easily been avoided by the pedestrian. When arguing a case, scene recreation animations can be extremely compelling. ESi's team of animators can help you recreate the scene of an...
Image of Night Time Semi Collision Visualization
August 12, 2016
The viewer is taken to the vantage point of a passenger car driver to show that distracted driving was the cause of a night-time collision with a semi-tractor-trailer, not the U-turn maneuver being executed by the truck driver. Recreating the scene of an accident can help explain your case in...
Image of Twilight Cataract Visibility 3D Simulation
August 15, 2016
ESi is often engaged early to explore scientific facts long before a trial begins. A conspicuity expert's opinion indicating that driver cataracts were the cause of the collision of a car with a semi-truck towing a wind turbine tower and not truck lighting or twilight conditions is illustrated.ESi’s team of...
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