Biotechnology: Patent Tutorials & Animations
Biotechnology litigation is nearly always patent litigation. However, it is such a specialized field that it merits special attention and a specialized staff. Demonstratives staff includes a Ph.D. trained in molecular, cellular and developmental biology who worked as a biotechnologist as a postdoctoral fellow in the 1990s. We understand what a person skilled in the art understands because in biotech cases we have one. Effective biotech patent litigation support benefits from having an expert on the graphics team. We can help bridge the gap between the legal team and the judge and jury by creating biotechnology and technical medical animations. Our visuals can help your expert connect with jurors struggling to understand a complex case. Our graphics can help you connect legal and technical concepts for the judge in the always critical Markman hearing. We also provide value early in the litigation process when the legal team is analyzing the accused technology.